Isaiah 48 vs. 43

Isaiah 48
  1. Similarities
    1. God is stronger than idols
      1. announces and decrees events before they happen
        1. Isa 48:3
        2. Isa 48:7-8
        3. Isa 48:14
        4. Isa 43:9-12
      2. points to evidence that He is stronger
        1. Isa 48:6
        2. Isa 48:12-14
        3. Isa 43:10-13
        4. Isa 43:16-17
        5. Isa 43:26-28
    2. God shows grace and disciplines Israel for His own glory
      1. Isa 48:9
      2. Isa 48:10-11
      3. Isa 48:21
      4. Isa 43:5-7
      5. Isa 43:20-21
      6. Isa 43:25
      7. Isa 43:28
    3. God promises to free Israel from Babylon
      1. Isa 48:14-15
      2. Isa 48:20
      3. Isa 43:1-6
    4. God points out Israel’s evil ways
      1. Isa 48:1-2
      2. Isa 48:4
      3. Isa 48:8
      4. Isa 43:22-24
    5. God promises to do something new
      1. Isa 48:6
      2. Isa 43:18-19
  2. Differences
    1. God reminds Israel that if they had obeyed his commandments, He would have prospered them.
      1. Isa 48:17-19
      2. “if only” actually can mean a future or a past tense but probably means past-tense since its placement prepares the way for the good news of the future.